David's Photo Gallery NESTS A-L

All nests found by David Pierce

Click on individual photo to see enlargement

American Coot nest and eggs.JPG

American Dipper nest.jpg

American Egret nests.JPG

American Oystercatcher baby.jpg

American Oystercatcher egg and baby.jpg

Anhinga on nest.jpg

Avocet nest and eggs.JPG

Bald Eagle nest.jpg

Baltimore Oriole at nest.jpg

Barn Owl in nest box.jpg

Barn Swallow nest.JPG

Bells Vireo on nest.JPG

Black Chinned Hummingbird nest.jpg

Black Crowned Night Heron nest.jpg

Black Necked Stilt nest and eggs.jpg

Black Skimmer nest and eggs.jpg

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher on nest.JPG

Bluebird at nestbox.jpg

Brewers Sparrow nest and eggs 3.JPG

Brown Thrasher nest and eggs.jpg

Bullock's Oriole.jpg

Cactus Wren nest.jpg

California Gull on nest.jpg

Canada Goose baby.jpg

Canada Goose on nest.jpg

Cardinal baby.jpg

Carolina Chickadee nest and eggs.JPG

Carolina Wren nest and eggs.jpg

Cedar Waxwing nest and eggs.JPG

Chestnut Sided Warbler nest.jpg

Cliff Swallow nests.JPG

Common Ground Dove baby.jpg

Common Tern nest and eggs.JPG

Coopers Hawk on nest.jpg

Curved Billed Thrasher nest and eggs.jpg

Dickcissel Nest with Eggs.JPG

Double Crested Cormorant nest and eggs.JPG

Eastern Bluebird nest and eggs.jpg

Eastern Meadowlark nest and eggs.JPG

Eastern Phoebe nest & eggs.jpg

Eastern Phoebe on nest.jpg

Female Ruby Throated hummingbird.JPG

Field Sparrow nest and eggs.jpg

Gambel's Quail nest and eggs.jpg

Great Blue Heron nest.jpg

Great Horned Owl nest and eggs.JPG

Great Horned Owl on nest.jpg

Green Heron on nest.jpg

Herring Gull nest and eggs.jpg

House Finch nest and eggs.jpg

House Wren at nestbox.jpg

House Wren nest and eggs.jpg

Inca Dove on nest.jpg

Killdeer nest and eggs.JPG

Lark Bunting nest and eggs.jpg

Least Tern nest and eggs.JPG

Least Tern on nest.jpg

Louisiana Waterthrush on nest.jpg